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MEGA Events – the big cash cow
Gothenburg, Sweden, is home to the largest stadium venue in the whole of Scandinavia; “Nya Ullevi”. The stadium can host up to 75K people for a concert or sporting event. In July 2022, Rammstein paid a visit to the city and hosted as many as three concerts on three nights in a row, and they […]
VODCAST with RevenueHub: Winter Might Be Coming, But Spring Can Still Bloom for Hotels
In this new discussion, Veit and Trevor from Revenue Hub talk about how global economic factors and the current war in Ukraine might influence different traveler attitudes. With inflation already prevalent across many countries, they explore how that could affect not only hotels ADR but also consumer spending power – and they reflect on how […]
berner+becker office hours – Episode 6: Luxury hotels, Munich and why external expertise can help more than expected! (DEU)
Guests: Mike Fuchs In this episode, Veit welcomes Mike Fuchs, Hotel Director at Louis Hotel Munich. Mike and Veit talk about stumbling blocks in revenue management, Mike’s experiences in the field, the Munich market and do a short outlook for the coming months. Subscribe and listen on other platforms
VODCAST with RevenueHub: State of German Hotel Market Through Summer And Into Winter
In this discussion, we focus on the German hotel market. Pontus and Trevor from Revenue Hub review how the different hotel sectors have faired this Summer, what might happen as we head into the Autumn and Winter, and finally, we hear what has been happening at berner+becker over the last few months as we come […]
VODCAST with RevenueHub: Market Segmentation – Back To Basics As We Recover
Continuing the theme of back to basics together with Trevor from RevenueHub, we follow up our last discussion around forecasting, this time we focus on segmentation. We consider what are some errors hoteliers make, or challenges they face, when considering segmentation. Our Veit highlights additional areas to consider when building more granular segmentation and ways […]
Your starting price is key to success
Whether working with a pricing system or applying a manual approach for your hotel, the starting price for any given day when opened up for sale, is crucial. To be clear, a static pricing sheet is something of the long past, any dynamic pricing is the obvious way to go. However, some think that numerous […]
Successfully overbooking your hotel and why it’s important
All hotels, regardless of location, standard or size have late cancellations and no-shows. These tend to leave rooms empty and unsold, representing a financial loss at the end of the day. Let’s assume a hotel has, on average, three late cancellations and no-shows just before arrival. Multiply those three rooms with the amount of “sell-out” […]
berner+becker office hours – Episode 5: Private hotels in the spotlight: The adaptation of revenue managemen (DEU)
Guests: Tobias Kannenberg Tobias is Head of E-Commerce and Acquisition at Ringhotels and in the podcast, he shares his observations from the private hotel industry on topics such as digitalization and revenue management. Tobias also explains what can go wrong when addressing hotels from a consultant’s point of view, how to create win-wins, and what […]
VODCAST with RevenueHub: Hotel Forecasting in The New Normal – Has Anything Changed?
In this discussion with Trevor from Revenue Hub, our own Veit takes us back to basics and looks at the fundamental task of Hotel forecasting. We look at what impact the pandemic, technology adoption and staffing issues has had on why we forecast, what we forecast and how often we review it. Finally, we consider […]
berner+becker office hours – Episode 4: Channel Management – The Cornerstone of a Good Sales Strategy (DEU)
Guests: Clemens Fisch This time, the guest on the berner+becker office hours podcast is Clemens Fisch, Regional Director EMEA at Siteminder. Clemens and Veit talk about the topic of channel management, important requirements when choosing a suitable channel manager, elementary functions and how it all can strengthen direct sales. Enjoy the show! Subscribe and listen […]