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berner+becker office hours – Episode 9: Revenue Management Systems für Hotels – Was muss man wissen? (DEU)
Guests: Fabian Prinz, Sales Director at Pace Revenue We speak with Fabian Prinz from Pace Revenue to clarify some essential questions: Why is a good revenue management system essential for hotels? What are the functions of a revenue management system? How can these functions help maximise a hotel’s profit? What kind of data is analysed […] best practice guide for hoteliers
The major OTAs play an important role in the distribution of hotel offers. In order to benefit from them optimally, as a hotelier, you should consider some important aspects. In this article, we focus on the peculiarities, best practices, and other aspects of and give you a brief guide to help you set up […]
berner+becker office hours – Episode 8: Sales & Marketing und Revenue Management – was macht die Kombi aus? (DEU)
Guests: Fabian Frauenknecht Fabian is the Director of Sales & Marketing at Geisel Privathotels in Munich and the two exchange views on the interaction between Sales & Marketing and Revenue Management. In the podcast, they discuss what connects the two areas, how silos can be broken down, what tasks are involved in sales & marketing […]
Energy flat rate – Positive aspects and dangerous facts
One currently hot topic is rising energy costs. Hotels and hospitality businesses are also affected by this. Due to their size and the amenities they offer to guests, lodging establishments are even more affected by the cost increase than consumers or private households. Hotels try to keep their consumption as low as possible, but of […]
berner+becker office hours – Episode 7: Revenue and distribution – what do individual hotels do differently than marketing cooperations and chains? (DEU)
Guests: Rik Plompen In this episode, Veit talks to his former boss from NH Hotel Group times, Rik M. Plompen. Rik has been responsible for distribution technology and channel analytics at the Design Hotels marketing cooperation for some time now, and the two discussed the catch-up need of the individual hotel industry in the areas […]
MEGA Events – the big cash cow
Gothenburg, Sweden, is home to the largest stadium venue in the whole of Scandinavia; “Nya Ullevi”. The stadium can host up to 75K people for a concert or sporting event. In July 2022, Rammstein paid a visit to the city and hosted as many as three concerts on three nights in a row, and they […]
VODCAST with RevenueHub: Winter Might Be Coming, But Spring Can Still Bloom for Hotels
In this new discussion, Veit and Trevor from Revenue Hub talk about how global economic factors and the current war in Ukraine might influence different traveler attitudes. With inflation already prevalent across many countries, they explore how that could affect not only hotels ADR but also consumer spending power – and they reflect on how […]
berner+becker office hours – Episode 6: Luxury hotels, Munich and why external expertise can help more than expected! (DEU)
Guests: Mike Fuchs In this episode, Veit welcomes Mike Fuchs, Hotel Director at Louis Hotel Munich. Mike and Veit talk about stumbling blocks in revenue management, Mike’s experiences in the field, the Munich market and do a short outlook for the coming months. Subscribe and listen on other platforms
VODCAST with RevenueHub: State of German Hotel Market Through Summer And Into Winter
In this discussion, we focus on the German hotel market. Pontus and Trevor from Revenue Hub review how the different hotel sectors have faired this Summer, what might happen as we head into the Autumn and Winter, and finally, we hear what has been happening at berner+becker over the last few months as we come […]
VODCAST with RevenueHub: Market Segmentation – Back To Basics As We Recover
Continuing the theme of back to basics together with Trevor from RevenueHub, we follow up our last discussion around forecasting, this time we focus on segmentation. We consider what are some errors hoteliers make, or challenges they face, when considering segmentation. Our Veit highlights additional areas to consider when building more granular segmentation and ways […]